Monday, January 23, 2012

Blog - toniawilhelmhealthandwellness

Blog - toniawilhelmhealthandwellness

Kaplan University Complimentary & Alternative Medicine Subtle Body & Energy Management HW499 Tonia Weakland-Wilhelm 01/17/2012

 Complimentary & Alternative Medicine  Subtle Body & Energy Management

Welcome to An Introduction to the Energy Body. This class is designed to introduce the concepts of the energetic body, with focus on the chakra system. Working on balancing our energy can lead to a happier, healthier, more fulfilling life. 
Learning Outcomes
  1. Gain an understanding of the theory of the Chakra System.
  2. Identify the location of the Chakras.
  3. Understand how energy effects our lives.
  4. Explore methods of working with energy to bring balance to our lives. 
Class Guidelines
  1. Be on time and come prepared to move. 
  2. Bring a pen and a dedicated notebook or journal.
  3. Wear comfortable clothing that will allow you to move through your range of motion.
  4. Do not eat an hour before class. 
  5. Drink plenty of water. 
  6. Do not force or strain your body.
  7. Please respect the confidentiality of other students by keeping to yourself any personal information shared with the class. 
Attendance and Grading
This class is free and open to the public. Spaces are limited, so we ask that you attend all three sessions, be punctual and stay for the duration of the class. There is no grade or credit for the course.
Recommended Reading 
Usui, Grimm, The Original Reiki Handbook of Dr. Usui, Lotus Press
Shomsky, Exploring Chakras Awaken Your Untapped Energy, Shomsky
Swami Durgananda, The Heart of Meditation, Siddha Yoga Publications
Lecture Notes
Location: San Francisco City College, inside the Wellness Center, Yoga classroom
What are chakras?
What do they represent?
Ways to work with them...
Ancient wisdom, scriptures
movement, asana, meditation, chanting
Newer system of energetic healing touch, distance healing meditation
Tools for working with the chakras:
Color; each chakra is assigned a color. Working with color can bring balance to the chakras. Light, Stones, Sound, Flower Essences, Teas, Food
Each class will have a component of 
lecture/ discussion
movement/ activity
  1. Class 1
    1. Introduction to Chakra System
    2. Hatha Yoga practice
    3. Guided Meditation
      1. Instruct each student to collect a yoga matt, two blocks and two blankets
      2. Handout syllabus and Color Chakra Chart
      3. Students should bring a journal to each class. 
    1. Explain the subtle body.
      1. What is the subtle body?
The subtle body is our energy body. Compare it to an electrical system. It consists of our life force energy. known as “Prana” in Yoga or “Qi” in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Kundalini is the primary energy center located in the coccyx. 72,000 energy channels run throughout the body. 7 wheels of energy or “Chakras” are located along the midline of the body from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. These are spinning vortexes of light and energy which have measurable electromagnetic fields that vary in size and strength based on the location and the individual. 
        1. Where are the chakras? 
The chakras originate at the base of the spine, running up the midline of the body. They are at the perineum, the lower abdomen, upper abdomen, heart center, throat, forehead, top of the head and there are also chakras located in the hands and feet.
        1. Explain what symbolizes each chakra and describe which aspects of our selves they represent.
1. Muladhara: The Root Chakra is located at the base of the tailbone. 
    1. Organs: adrenals, colon, lymph, skeleton, male reproductive
    2. Description: grounding, survival, security
    3. Color: Red
    4. Seed Sound: LAM
    5. Poses: Standing: Mountain, Chair, Tree
  1. Swathishthana: The sacral chakra is located below the navel. 
    1. Organs: Female Reproductive Organs, Kidneys, Spleen, Skin
    2. Description: emotions, creativity, sexuality
    3. Color: Orange
    4. Seed Sound: Vam
    5. Poses: Standing forward fold, Cobra, Butterfly
  2. Manipura: The solar plexus is located in the upper abdomen.
    1. Organs: Liver, Stomach, Pancreas, Gall Bladder, Muscular System, Diaphragm, Peripheral Nervous System
    2. Element: Fire
    3. Description: Our power center, self confidence, vital energy
    4. Color: Yellow
    5. Seed Sound: Ram
    6. Poses: Warrior poses, Spinal twists
  3. Anahata: This is the heart chakra. It has the largest electromagnetic field, bigger than the brain. 
    1. Organs: Heart, Circulatory System, Lungs, Thymus Gland, Lymph Glands, Lungs, Arms and hands
    2. Description: Pure love, courage, peace
    3. Color: Green or Pink
    4. Seed Sound: Yam
    5. Poses: Backbends, Wheel, Bow, Camel, Queen’s pose
  4. Vishudha: This chakra is located in the throat.
    1. Organs: Thyroid, Hypothalamus, Mouth
    2. Description: Communication, Self Expression, Speech
    3. Color: Blue
    4. Seed Sound: Ham
    5. Poses: Bridge, Shoulder stand, Fish
  5. Ajna: Known as the Third Eye, this chakra is located between the eyebrows. 
    1. Organs: Pituitary Gland, Central Nervous System, Left eye, Nose, Ears
    2. Description: Vision, Intellect, Intuition
    3. Color: Indigo/ Purple
    4. Seed Sound: Aum
    5. Poses: Meditation postures, Lotus, Hero, Simple Cross legged
  6. Sahasrara: The Crown chakra is located at the top of the head. 
    1. Organs: Pinneal Gland, Central Nervous System, Cerebral Cortex, Right Eye
    2. Description: Inspiration, Enlightenment, Union
    3. Color: White/ Violet
    4. Seed Sound: Silence
    5. Poses: Meditative postures, Inversions, Head Stand, Hand Stand, Down Dog 
Asana Practice
1. Mountain Pose
2. Standing forward fold
3. Warrior 1, Warrior 2
4. Standing Bow, Camel
5. Fish Pose, Bridge Pose
6. Hero, Lotus or Simple Crossed Legged
7. Down Dog or Hand Stand at wall
  1. Savasana: Final Relaxation with guided meditation
    1. Have students lye flat on their backs with palms face up and legs about hip distance apart. Have them become aware of deep breathing. Bring an awareness to each chakra having them envision the color, reviewing the meaning of the energy center. 
Fruit: strawberry (1st), banana, (3rd), blueberry (5th) 
Explain how the color of food can effect our energy. Mention how it is of course best to have pure, organic, non-contaminated food. 
Class 2 
Handout Anatomy of the Subtle Body
  1. Discussion: The importance of learning to manage our energy is to lead a balanced life. When we are balanced in body, mind and spirit, we are more capable of creating the life we desire rather than reacting to events that happen to us. When we are out of balance we reflect our negative qualities and are more prone toward dis-ease. When in balance it is easier to remain present, receptive and be at peace within ourselves. Let’s explore the way balance versus imbalance in the chakras can effect our lives. 

1st Root
Earth Connection Strong Foundation
 Survival Fear Insecurity
2nd Sacral Plexus
Creative Expression Sexual Fulfillment Harmony
Taking Things Personally Worry
3rd Solar Plexus
Positive Self Image Vitality
False Ego External Focus
4th Heart
Open Love Expression 
Bridge Body Mind Spirit
Drama Disconnect
Inability to Show Love
5th Throat
Clear Communication Express Vision Develop Ways to Realize Vision
Limited Expression Communication Blocks 
6th Third Eye
Clear Vision
See the Big Picture Intuitive Vision
Unclear or Limited Vision Mental Chatter
7th Crown
Higher Self
Higher Consciousness
Integrate Body Spirit Life Purpose
Depression Physical Mental Emotional Depletion 
    1. Health maintenance, healing, preventing disease
      1. Disease starts on an energetic level.
      2. Chronic stress makes us more susceptible to disease.
      3. Living an energetically balanced life will help us to stay healthy, preventing disease. 
      4. Integrating CAM techniques can help to support the healing process. 
        1. reversing the course of disease 
        2. support healing
        3. chronic disease and pain management
    2. Yoga and Reiki are ways to balance the chakras. 
    3. Use of color, sound, nutrition and herbal supplements can also be supportive. 
  1. Asana practice; same as day 1, but with more advanced variations depending on the ability of the students. 
1. Mountain Pose, Tree
2. Standing forward fold, sunrise sunset
3. Warrior 1, Warrior 2, variations
4. Standing Bow, Camel
5. Fish Pose, Bridge Pose, wheel
6. Hero, Lotus or Simple Crossed Legged
7. Down Dog or Hand Stand at wall
  1. Savasana: Final Relaxation with guided meditation
    1. Have students lye flat on their backs with palms face up and legs about hip distance apart. Have them become aware of deep breathing. Bring an awareness to each chakra having them envision the color, and chanting the seed sound of each chakra. 
  1.   Refreshments:,, tangerines (2nd), fresh mint (4th), dark chocolate (6th) 
Class 3
Energy Management
  1. Describe what Reiki is; Reiki balances and heals through touch. It is universal life force energy. It is safe to use on anyone and generally does not interfere with religious beliefs.  
  2. How did Reiki evolve? Yogis have been working with the Chakras for 3000 years, but Reiki was developed only  about 150 years ago by Dr. Usui, from Japan. He made it his life’s mission to discover the way to heal through the hands as it was said could be done in the Bible. He traveled the world, studying many different religions and spiritual texts. It was in Tibet where he found ancient Vedic scriptures written in sanskrit, with the keys to unlock this hidden treasure of healing power. 
    1. Usui developed the system he would call Reiki, a laying of hands over the chakras to balance and heal. Usui worked with beggars in the city to help them to turn their lives around. The healings helped for a while, but it was their own unwillingness to change that kept them from turning their lives around. He turned his attention to working with people who really wanted to make a positive change and placed a value on the services. He found that when people valued the treatments, they were more receptive to them and it made a real difference in their lives. 
    2. In order to transmit Reiki through the hands, one must be attuned to the energy. Usui attuned one person, Dr. Hyashi, who then trained Madam Takata. She brought Reiki to the U.S., training several “Reiki Masters” before her death in 1980. Today there are thousands of Reiki practitioners. I recieved my initial training from Linda Bertaut in 2002. I received my Master attunement in 2011 and am now ready to offer Reiki training to you. If you have enjoyed this introduction to energy work and are interested in the training, please sign up. 
  1. Movement: Standing in Mountain Pose, guide students through a self acknowledgement of the chakras by placing their hands over these centers. We will also envision the color of the chakras and chant the seed sounds. 
  2. Meditation with partner: Sitting comfortably, gazing into left eye, guide through a meditation which acknowledges our unity with one another by observing the ways we are all alike, baring witness to the likeness of our human experience. 
  3. Group/ Partner Activity
1. Explore ways students can determine where they are out of balance by reviewing the description of the chakras. 
      1. Journal to clear mental chatter
      2. Identify unhealthy patterns by reviewing what was written. 
      3. Journal to write changes you want to manifest.
      4. With partners, develop ideas for individuals to help achieve balance based on what we learned in these classes. 
  1. Refreshments
    1. Veggie platter: radishes (1), carrots (2), yellow bell pepper (3), broccoli (4)
    2. Fruit: blueberries (5), blackberries (6)
    3. Chamomile and Lavender cookies
    4. tranquilitea
Handout 1
Bertaut Reiki  
Handout 2
Anatomy of the Subtle Body 
Bertaut, Linda, Bertaut Reiki Reiki Level 1 and Energy Management, self published, 2004
Stepanek, Suvani, Advanced Yoga, City College San Francisco, 2011
lecture notes and handouts
Rubin, Eric and Inman, Zoe, multidimensional Body Work, 2011
Usui, Grimm, The Original Reiki Handbook of Dr. Usui, Lotus Press
Shomsky, Exploring Chakras Awaken Your Untapped Energy, Shomsky
Swami Durgananda, The Heart of Meditation, Siddha Yoga Publications