Monday, April 25, 2011

I Am Change

It is our responsibility to create change in the world so that the world can be healthy, happy, safe, clean and at peace. The problems in the world are many. Greed and corruption are at the root of most of these problems. Good, honest people as a whole need to stand up for what they believe is right and take actions that are beneficial to individuals as well as the greater good. “Be the change you wish to see in the world” is a famous quote by Gandhi, one that I try to live by. My major contribution to make positive change comes through the work I do. 
I am blessed with a gift that is my career in healing arts. I have a business I call Your Happy Place. It is a day spa where I offer personalized services in skin care, body therapies, yoga and energy work. Every time I see a client, I have an opportunity to help them relax, rejuvenate, de-stress, and teach them how to be more positive. My work is a spiritual practice for me that helps me attain higher levels of consciousness. My training helps me to mature on an emotional level, psychologically, physically, and professionally.  I have the opportunity to help make the world a little happier with each person I touch. 
My intention is to continually expand my consciousness for the benefit of all those I encounter. I plan on going around the world to study with Great Masters in India, Japan, and China. I believe that gaining more worldly experience will be deeply fulfilling, for traveling and serving are things I have always aspired to do. I could go to Thailand to learn Thai Massage.  When my kids are grown I could go live in an ashram in India. I could join the Peace Corps. There is always so much I would like to see and do, but I must take it all one step at a time. Right now, I just need to finish my degree.

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