Wednesday, May 4, 2011

My Big Idea to Change the World

So fo my new class 'Composition II' my ongoing class assignment is to create a 'big idea' that will create change. This is only the beginning. Read it over. Tell me what you think. I appreciate your constructive feedback. 
Pitch / Mission Statement
An integral approach to health care will defragment models of health and wellness, drawing together the very best of allopathic, complimentary and alternative care, while focusing on all aspects of the person, being body, mind, and spirit. 
I think this as a good start for my effective thesis statement. As we progress through class, I will probably be able to refine it to make it stronger, but I do think it represents my primary intention of changing the way we approach health care in this country. 
Research will be required to answer the questions this mission poses. I have already taken a number of classes that focus on various aspects of health. In order to do credible research I could refer back to those classes. Text books, web sights that were utilized in class, and peer reviewed articles will all be trusted sources. I will avoid using sources that are biased such as advertisements or that use fallacies. I will carefully scrutinize any information I come across to ensure that it does not contain blatant fallacies. 
Evidence from thousands of years of practice and modern scientific clinical studies are proving that complimentary and alternative therapies do have measurable benefits. Such therapies could be utilized widely as a means of preventative care and integrated into standard medical treatments, thus integral medicine. Conventional allopathic medicine is limited.  Primarily allopathic medicine only acknowledges biological factors. Modern medicine focuses on screening for pathology. As long as there is an apparent absence of disease or disfunction the patient is considered to be healthy and no further investigation or treatment is found to be necessary. It is most effective with acute “crisis” medicine while not being very effective for chronic disease, our major problem today. Many people do not even go to the doctor for medical treatment or advise unless they are acutely ill. Many of the chronic illnesses that plague our society today could be prevented with some more attention to the body, mind and spirit. Integral Health realizes that disease prevention may not just depend on the elimination of biomedical risk factors but more on the mind-body interaction of individuals. It is not enough to get a flu shot and think you will always be healthy. Diet and exercise are of course important factors to health, but so are meditation, spiritual practice and selfless service. When all of these factors are encompassed and embraced by patients, practitioners, and insurance executives a major shift will take place that will lead to a healthier, happier America. 
Dacher, Integral Health the Path to Human Flourishing, 2006, Basic Health Publications, Laguna Beach CA

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tonia,

    Thanks for stopping by my blog to say hello. I was trying to keep it up, but it has been about a month. I just got back from my youngest daughter's high school graduation. She is now six months pregnant, so her childhood is almost over. She will have to work harder to go on to college now, but I think she can still do it. I just hope she doesn't wait until she is my age. My older daughter will be going to UC Berkeley this fall and I am so happy for her. Life is moving along nicely. I will graduate from Kaplan in November. Just two classes left! I hope all is going well for you. I live in Vacaville and don't get to the city much, but I'll look you up if I get a chance. Take care!
