Saturday, February 19, 2011

Where Am I? Where Am I Coming From? Where Am I Going?

On a scale of 1 to 10 (ten being optimal wellbeing), I  would rate my physical wellbeing, spiritual well-being, and psychological well-being all at about an 8. I have lived my adult life with an awareness of the importance of health and balance in these three aspects of human experience. 
Physically, I try to take good care of myself. In general, I eat healthy food, I get a moderate amount of exercise. There is room for improvement in all of these areas. I could eat more fruits and veggies, while decreasing my intake of sugary sweet snacks. Anyone who knows me, knows my weakness for chocolate. 
I really need to increase my level of aerobic activity, and maintain it. I walk and practice yoga asana daily. Sometimes I bike. Sometimes I jog. I need to make this a more routine part of my week. 
Spiritually, I do study Yogic philosophy, Buddhist philosophy and was raised Catholic. I wish I would make the time for spiritual practice with a group more frequently. Primarily, I meditate on my own, gain some spiritual knowledge through reading books and I attend events and workshops that incorporate spirituality. When I attend a workshop related to bodywork or yoga, a spiritual aspect is often a major part of the journey. I connect with great teachers and like minded people, when I attend. The problem though is that I go to these gatherings every so often. I need to find a group that I connect with that meets regularly, like many people go to church on Sundays, I need to find my “church”. There are  few Yoga Ashrams in San Francisco. I plan on attending an event at one next week. Maybe it will resonate with me. Maybe they will have gatherings that I could attend regularly, with or without my children. Many of the events and workshops I have attended are not appropriate to bring children. I need to find something that will work for my whole family, for they need the spiritual nourishment too.


  1. Hey Tonia!

    I think your spiritual path sounds very interesting. I always think, that expanding my mind by learning about different spiritual practices does not mean that I will definitely take one up. But it does mean that I am making the effort to grow as an individual. I have also studied Buddhist philosophy and enjoyed it a lot. Thank you for sharing and best of luck on your journey!


  2. Hey Tonya,
    It sounds like you have indeed found your happy place! It is great that you are actively practicing massage and yoga in your life. They both have helped me in all three areas of discussion or this weeks blog. I too was raised catholic and consider myself closer to eastern beliefs with buddist leanings these days. I consider the earth my church, or place of worship. Nature to me is more inspiring than going to a fancy building with fancy clothes on. Lol. Seriously though I am glad you are seeking out a place to go, to fellowship with people that have common goals is invaluable!
