Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Get Psyched With a Mental Workout

You are in bondage by your own consciousness and you can be free  by your own consciousness. It's only a matter of turning the angel of the mind. - Baba Hari Dass

Many of us are aware of the importance of exercise training for physical fitness, and today more and more people are becoming aware of the benefits of mental training for cognitive, emotional, and spiritual fitness. Daily practice of contemplation, to develop an expanded consciousness, serves to evolve our psycho-spiritual life, to access our greatest potential and highest Self. These practices have been utilized and taught for thousands of years, across many religions and cultures. We are fortunate today to have access to so many spiritual teachers, psychology books, and practices at our disposal. It has been proven that studying a little every day is better for cognitive memory than cramming. Studies have also shown that people who continuously learn have a lower instance of Alzheimer's disease and dementia. When we make a sustained effort to grow emotionally through contemplative practices, we improve our relationships with ourselves and with others. This evolves into greater awareness and connection to our higher Self, a spiritual evolution.

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