Thursday, March 17, 2011

Unit 8 Blog

The practices I will integrate into my daily life are the Loving Kindness Practice and the Meeting Aesclepius practice. Specifically, I find the practice of breathing in suffering and melting it in the heart. As a health and wellness professional, I have to be aware of the interaction of the energy transfer between myself and my client. It is very important to be able to dispel negative energy rather than internalize it. I have found myself calling upon this practice to move this energy in an appropriate way. The meeting Aesclepius practice has been a visualization that I am really drawn to. I think it is good for me to visualize spiritual leaders and take on the qualities I admire about them. I also like that it incorporates chakra tuning by visualizing light emanating from the energy centers. Whether I continue to listen to the guider visualization, I have internalized this practice and will call upon it during my meditation practice. I do meditate regularly and these practices have helped inspire me to maintain a consistent practice. I have enjoyed and benefited from these practices and the class over all. I appreciate that I have been able to work toward earning a degree in Health and Wellness. I wish you all health and happiness.


  1. Tonia,

    My name is Connie and I am a friend of Deborah Grogan. I have read some of your blog and have enjoyed it very much. I like how you explain how you have and are incorporating some of the teachings in your daily life. I am a little envious really.

    You see, in a time that seems so far away, I spent time at Esalen Institute and other places throughout the United States. I studied at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology in Menlo Park, CA and spent time in an ashram in NY.

    Many of my teachers were part of the movement that all of you are studying now...Dr. Naomi Remen, Dr. Stan Grof, Christina Grof, Paul Rebillot, Jacquelyn Small, Dr. Roger Walsh, Gurumayi Chidvilasananda, the teachers at Esalen, especially Ellen Watson and many more. Unfortunately the corporate world got in my way and my path got waylaid.

    Your journey to China sounds incredible. I am only sorry you felt fearful and did not plan to extend it to where you have felt heart led. Hopefully you will one day find your way to that spot. Loving Kindness practice extends to yourself as well. :-)

    Thank you for reminding me of a land far away that is accessable once again. Much joy to you on your journey. I will be checking back in on your progress.


  2. Tonia I like they way you use the loving kindness meditation to deal with negative energy. I tried it last week while a friend was relating a painful experience. I said less than I normally do and felt a great deal of compassion, mixed with grief, which normally I do not. Do you visualize anything in particular that represents the energy you deal with in your work?

    Though I am not in a healing line of work your approach works very well for me. People, I do occasionally work with, are far from accepting this approach. I have to not use words like spirit, meditation or exercise, but the energy and principles are the same for me.

    I have love and healing to offer you and the truth I know that your good work is a tremendous force in the universe.
