Monday, March 7, 2011

Wellness; The Mind, Body, Spirit Connection

ॐ नमः शिवायः ॐ नमः शिवायः ॐ नमः शिवायः
शांति शांति शांति
Chanting of mantra is a tool utilized by most spiritual disciplines to help bring a person into higher mental and spiritual planes. Repetition of mantra is for the mind what repetition of physical exercise is for the body. Chanting Om Namah Shivaya over and over again is said to help bring one closer to enlightenment. Chanting Shanti is an invocation foe world peace. It is generally accepted as fact that in order to have a healthy physical body we need to eat nutritious food and exercise on a regular basis. The more well rounded our diet is and our workouts are, the stronger we are physically and mentally. It is a proven fact that poor nutrition and lack of physical activity can lead to mental health issues such as depression, attention deficit, and aggression. What we eat and our activity levels effect the chemistry of our brains for better or worse. Neglecting our physical and mental health perpetuates a downward spiraling of stress hormones. Nourishing our bodies as the temple of spirit propels us into the energetic vortex that uplifts us to higher planes of being. Many disciplines of conventional health ideology address one or two of these aspects. We acknowledge going to the gym for a workout as working on the physical and mental plane, but it lacks spiritual connection. Being involved in a church may strengthen the psycho-spiritual component of our being, but does little for our physical body. I am very drawn to yoga because it is a practice, a way of life really, that works on all levels of being, all layers of human experience. Yogic philosophy gives guidance as to how to nourish the body through diet and exercise, how to strengthen the mind through disciplined, repetition of mental exercises in contemplation and present moment awareness. It teaches us how to nourish our spirits through love, gratitude and forgiveness. The practice of yoga has made a profound effect on my health on all levels. Because of yoga my physical body is strong and flexible. I am acutely aware of how I use my body in various activities, so I am less likely to injure myself because of mindless misuse of my body. I have been able to work through old wounds, working on forgiveness, living a life aware of how we create our reality. Karma means action, like Newton's law of equal and opposite reactions, as is the law of karma. By and large, the things we do for better or worse lay the foundation for what lies ahead, so living a life that is virtuous helps one to keep a clear conscious, a light heart, and open mind. 

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