Saturday, March 5, 2011

Into the Depths of the Mind

Both the Loving Kindness practice and the Subtle Mind practice are beneficial, but they explore different aspects of the mind. The loving kindness practice explores the outer layer of the mind. It takes the mind on a journey outward, expanding consciousness and love to all sentient beings. The Subtle Mind practice is more of a journey inward. It focuses on quieting the active mind and focusing on the deeper layers of the mind, moving toward calm abiding and unity consciousness. I like both practices and find them easier to get into with repetition. I have integrated into my life the piece of the Loving Kindness practice  where we breath in the suffering of another, letting it melt away. Whenever I find my mind wandering to someone’s suffering or I am working with a client, I invoke this practice. I have found it to be a useful tool for dispelling negative energy. The subtle mind practice, so far has been a good meditation, but I’ve only listened to it for a few days now. I will need more time to see how it will effect my life. I’m sure it will help me to increase my level of calm abiding and move me toward unity consciousness.


  1. There are certainly different journeys here, but hopefully they will both take us to the same place, eventually the unity consciousness. I have a much harder time with the outer journey than the inner one somehow, did you feel the same way? Did you find both practices easy or difficult? Do you use visualization techniques yourself?

  2. Hello!

    I liked how you described both practices. I never looked at them in the sense of an inner or outer journey but I can certainly see your point! Bravo! I also like how you have taken the breathing in another's suffering into your everyday life. I will try that! Overall, for me the journey outward, the loving-kindness practice, is easier for me. The subtle mind practice is going to take some time for me to get a hold of. Wonderful post!Thank you!


  3. Thank you for the lovely compliments ladies. To answer your questions, I have been working with guided meditation practices for a long time now, so I am used to taking journeys into new possibilities. In general, I find it to be an easy transition to get into this altered state of consciousness.Of course, the more at ease I already am, the easier it is to slip into a meditative state. However, the more agitated my state is, the more I need the guidance to help me calm and quiet my mind. On nights I am having difficulty sleeping, I often turn to these guided practices, and they do help me to fall fast asleep. I enjoy using a variety of meditation techniques, including, visualization, pramayam (breath), mantra, and affirmations.
